Lauriers Community Development Project (LCDP)

Love, Compassion, Devotion, Passion
Famine, war, poverty, misery, are all common denominators in third world countries around the
world, specially in continents such as Africa, Asia and South America, countries in the
Caribbean, Central America and India.
Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas, and one with the most political unrest and social
bereavement. As difficult as living in Haiti can be, people are still surviving, creating different
means of work to have their daily bread supplied for. However, there is always an opportunity to
help the most impoverished people, especially the children.
Habitation des Lauriers is located on the mountain top in the center of Okap in the community of
Lauriers. It has its own forest and the view of the city and the Caribbean Ocean is spectacular.In
the midst of all this beauty, is a small community with a school that was created specifically to
provide the children with free education, but hunger is a problem that decreases the potential in
the children because their brain cannot fully develop when there is a lack of nutrients and
vitamins which are all necessary for the well functioning of the body. Hungry kids will not be able
to live their full God given potential.
As a business that provides lodging and food to travelers from all around the world as well as
diaspora and locals, we feel the need to contribute with the well being and development of the
children in our small community, by creating a feeding program through the school, where
children will have three meals per day.
These meals consist of breakfast, lunch and dinner. The Haitian diet is made of rice, beans,
chicken, vegetables, milk, corn, wheat, roots such as yam, malanga, potatoes and also sweet
potatoes which are carbohydrates and increase the strength in the body.
We are asking you to partner up with us as we aim to develop our community and create
opportunities for the children and their families where they will be able to see that having a
better life is possible.
It is through love, compassion, devotion and passion that we aim to outreach to the weary, the
lost and the forgotten. Thank you for taking the time to read through our vision and mission and
taking part of it with us as we transform many lives together and bring Haiti out from Ashes to

Families of Lauriers

Families of Lauriers

Community School of Lauriers

Lauriers AREA

Amenities block

A picture is worth a thousand words. Use this space to focus on the thing which make you great.